Blog Posts by Westmont

  • Is LinkedIn a "Role Playing Game"?

    September 1, 2024

    In this blog, CATLab Director of Engineering Mike Ryu reflects on the 2024 CATLab summer and authenticity online.

    A little while ago, when my wife searched “LinkedIn” on her phone, this came up. Her phone, for some reason, had categorized the app as a “Role Playing Game.” In the moment, I felt that this silly bug had poignantly summarized my (now-outdated) perception of LinkedIn.

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  • Discover the Technology Powering Westmont’s Move to DII

    November 16, 2023

    Westmont’s transition to the NCAA Division II requires more than just stellar athletes, dedicated coaches, beautiful facilities, and robust programs. It also needs technology! Over the last year, the athletics department has partnered with CATLab and the CRM department to develop the technological infrastructure needed to make this huge transition.

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  • Charles Ryu: Lifting Others Up Through Coding

    August 19, 2023

    Fascinated by technology and well-acquainted with adversity, Charles Ryu knows a thing or two about resilience. Born in North Korea, Charles escaped the country, not once, but twice. After his first attempt, Charles was placed in an internment camp, which he escaped again—eventually reaching the United States while still a minor. Despite not knowing English or having attended school since age 11, Charles graduated high school and eventually received a full scholarship to attend a coding bootcamp. 

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  • Sustaining Innovation by Staying Connected to Emotion

    August 5, 2023

    Members of our CATLab team have a wide range of passions outside of their work with technology. In keeping with Westmont’s liberal arts tradition, CATLab prioritizes encouraging students to be well-rounded and providing space for reflection and art. Read on to hear from a CATLab student and staff member about how making music affects their lives.

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  • Up Close and Personal: Professor Goes Beyond Teaching to Mentor and Encourage Students

    June 6, 2023

    During his post-doctoral work at the University of Pittsburgh, physics professor Ben Carlson mentored both under-graduate and graduate students. When they asked to work with him in the summer, he looked for suitable projects. “After two summers, I learned what was appropriate and helpful for students,” he says. “Two of my students at Pitt were offered ATLAS papers, which is significant because people in the collaboration — especially undergraduates — don’t necessarily get credit. My students did enough, so their names appear with the collaborators.

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