Blog Posts by Westmont

  • Renewal Grant Links Art and Worship

    November 4, 2019
    September 1, 2002

    Local artist Rafael Parea de la Cabada will oversee “Revelation in Genesis,” a semester-long project involving Westmont students next fall. A $15,000 grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship will fund the project.
    Parea will oversee three groups of students who will create three works of art to be displayed on campus: one in Page residence hall, one for the space used for chapel and one on the Voskuyl Library lawn. The works are intended to express the Christ-centered character of living, learning and worshipping at Westmont.

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  • County Considers Westmont Master Plan

    November 2, 2019
    July 1, 2002

    An updated campus master plan for Westmont College is under consideration by Santa Barbara County planning officials, who have determined that the plan will not cause significant environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated.

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  • Response to 9-11 'Freedom' Series Comes to Reynolds Gallery

    November 2, 2019
    May 15, 2002

    A series of works created in the aftermath of Sept. 11 and titled “Freedom”
    by Art Professor John Carlander will be exhibited May 17 through July 27 at Westmont's Reynolds Gallery.

    Freedom may mean different things to different people, but after the attack on America on Sept. 11, 2001, we may cherish our ideas of freedom more than ever. For an artist to have the freedom to work is a great treasure, and I am thankful for that freedom.

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  • Helena Hale to Perform 'Artemisia' at Westmont

    November 2, 2019
    May 8, 2002

    The internationally acclaimed actress Helena Hale will perform her one-woman play, “Artemisia Gentileschi, Of Lies and Truth,” 7:30 p.m. May 10 in Porter Theatre on the Westmont campus. Admission is $10 for general audience and $7.50 for Reynolds Gallery members.

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  • Three Generations to Celebrate Graduation; MacDougall to Receive Westmont Medal

    November 2, 2019
    May 2, 2002

    Three generations will gather for Commencement at 10 a.m. May 4 on Carr Field to celebrate the latest recipient in the family of a Westmont degree.

    Kirsten White will receive her bachelor’s degree in English, while her parents, Steve and Sharon Gerlach White (‘76 and ‘78 graduates, respectively), watch with her grandparents, Harlan and Ruth Gerlach. The Gerlachs will be celebrating their Golden Warrior anniversary: They graduated from Westmont in 1952.

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  • Westmont Honored for Fund-Raising

    November 2, 2019
    May 1, 2002

    The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) has named Westmont as a winner of the 2002 Circle of Excellence in Educational Fund-Raising Award, which honors superior fund-raising programs across the country. The award comes as Westmont’s capital campaign, which raised more than $56 million, is coming to a close.

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