Blog Posts by Westmont

  • Scholar Shares Asian Missions Vision

    October 9, 2007

    Timothy Kiho Park, associate professor of Asian mission and director of Korean studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, will speak on “The Korean Church and World Mission,” Thursday, Oct. 18, at 3:30 p.m. in Westmont’s Hieronymus Lounge. Refreshments will be available after the talk.

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  • Sociology Professor Joins Faculty

    October 9, 2007

    Xuefeng ZhangXuefeng Zhang joined the Westmont faculty this fall as an assistant professor of sociology. The native of China earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Harbin Normal University and his master’s degree in sociology at Nankai University before coming to study at the University of Minnesota in 1997.

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  • Why is the Sky Blue?

    October 2, 2007

    Chemist Explains the Importance of Science

    Niva TroSurveys of Americans have revealed an ignorance of science. Educators, like Westmont chemistry professor Niva Tro, frequently call for more science instruction in the schools. Tro will speak on “The Importance of Science Literacy: Why Everyone Needs a Basic Understanding of Science,” Thursday, Oct. 11, at 5:30 p.m. at the University Club on Santa Barbara Street.

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  • Chemist Reacts Well With Students

    September 28, 2007

    Stephen ContakesChemistry professor Dr. Stephen Contakes, who joined the Westmont faculty this fall, hopes to influence student’s lives inside and outside the classroom. The Lehigh University alumnus is a bioinorganic chemist who focuses on metals in biology.

    “The chemistry involved in activities such as thinking and moving contain metals which play a key role in the ways our bodies function,” he says. Contakes does research that replicates in non-natural systems the way these metals act.

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