Blog Posts by Westmont

  • Westmont Continues to Score High in National Ranking

    August 22, 2005

    Westmont has once again been listed among the nation’s top liberal arts colleges in the most recent U.S. News & World Report rankings, which were recently released.

    U.S. News moved Westmont into the first tier with a ranking of 104th. The numeric rank puts Westmont in the top half of schools in each of 10 categories. Westmont is just one of two ranked members of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.

    Westmont moved into the second tier from the third tier in 2003.

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  • Westmont Professor Delves into the Appeal of Cults

    August 16, 2005

    Westmont sociology professor Ron Enroth is no stranger to some of the world’s most unusual religions. In fact, he’s appeared on numerous television and radio broadcasts, including NBC Nightly News and Oprah as an expert cult consultant. Enroth penned, “Youth, Brainwashing and the Extremist Cults” six months before the Jonestown massacre in 1978, the mass suicide that put the word “cult” on the map. He warned of other dangerous religions before the tragedies in Waco and with Heaven’s Gate. In 1982, he received the Leo J.

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  • Westmont Students Spread Hope to Sri Lanka's Tsunami Orphans

    August 3, 2005

    Several Westmont students have returned home following a trip to Sri Lanka to help children who lost their parents in the December 2004 tsunami. Four Westmont students joined Professor Thomas Jayawardene and his wife, Jasmine, on the month-long summer service trip. The group left July 3 to meet a team of 14 to serve with the Jayawardenes’ The Children of Joy. The organization is founding a new home for about a dozen orphaned children. It’s also set up a children’s center to provide food, clothing, medical care and school needs to 150 kids.

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  • Westmont Students Enjoy a Summer of Intercultural Service

    July 26, 2005

    More than three dozen Westmont students are returning to the United States after spending a month of their
    summer serving overseas. Different groups visited Tanzania, Rwanda and Indonesia. Meantime, three teams remain in Guatemala, Russia and Sri Lanka. The students have been involved in building classrooms, teaching English and serving at orphanages.

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  • Westmont Art Students Receive $10,700 Grant for “Stations of the Life of Christ”

    June 21, 2005

    Students in Westmont’s art department have received a $10,700 Worship Renewal grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship in Grand Rapids, Mich., for a project titled “Stations of the Life of Christ.”

    Students will create a series of 14 images interpreting moments in Christ’s life that speak to Westmont’s identity as a Christian liberal arts college.

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