• Highlights from Tech Talks

    August 3, 2021

    Over the last few weeks, the CATLab has hosted many wonderful speakers who have offered some great insights. While there’s no way that everything we’ve learned could fit into a single blog post, we thought we’d highlight a few key lessons applicable to people both in and outside the tech world. It was especially cool to realize that many of them shared some of the CATLab’s core values—in particular, curiosity and authenticity.

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  • Student and Staff Directory Feature

    July 22, 2021
    The CATLab is proud to launch a new and improved iteration of the digital Student and Staff Directory. The project, headed by CATLab student developer Josh Fitzgerald, will overhaul an outdated and clunky user interface into a sleek and modern program that efficiently navigates students and staff wherever they need to go.
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  • CATLab Roots: Joel Banez

    July 14, 2021
    Though his humility prevents him from taking the credit he deserves, Joel Banez’s work as the Director of College Software is an integral part of the innovation of Westmont as it navigates a-21st century world. His consistent passion for improving the college’s user experience results in crucial institutional innovation. With his mind always looking to the exciting possibilities of the future, Joel’s impact on Westmont is sure to grow,
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  • Life Lessons from Form Building

    July 8, 2021
    What exactly do the four members of the CATLab Forms Team do? In listening to the reflections and advice from our Forms Team, we found that underneath their descriptions of their day-to-day activities were a lot of insights that apply to life just as well as they apply to web design.
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  • How We Stay Grounded

    June 30, 2021

    So much of our lives—and especially our work!—is spent in front of the computer. It can be easy to get caught up in tasks or to let the fact that we can work from anywhere make us feel obligated to work from everywhere. To counteract the tendency to get caught up in work or technology, a few of our CATLab members shared how they stay grounded.

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