Make Space to Innovate

We help you create the space to learn from fellow technologists and system thinkers.  Whether you hire a CATLab intern to work through your company's backlog, attend the Impact Conference to connect with industry thought-leaders, or give a Tech Talk to grow your company's influence, the Center for Applied Technology is ready to help you innovate.  How can we work together?

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Mission Statement

We seek to enhance relationships in the Westmont community through the innovative use of technology.



Looking to learn more?


“Going with interns that know the system was actually a more cost-effective route than hiring somebody that didn’t really know a system but had to be there full time. It was an easy pitch from a cost perspective. We needed something, and Westmont came with people that knew the system. All the pieces really worked together.”

—Avery Cloutier, Business System Manager at The Thornhill Companies

“I was pleasantly surprised with Kimberlee’s ability to work on her own. I felt like we were able to get her up to speed on the projects, and she could run with it...To be able to have an intern who can work in a different city and be productive and be a self-motivated worker was really impressive.”

—Andrew Clark, marketing manager at RDN

"CATLab prepares students to the point where “with [their] skill sets right out of college, [they] could come in for an internship for a few months and change how we do business in a very transformative way.” 

—Ian Monsma, program manager at RDN 

"CATLab is a very effective program to help the Westmont students deliver from day 1 when they join tech teams in the industry. I am grateful to partner with CATLab and Zak Landrum."

—Rohit Malik, Software Engineering Manager at AppFolio

Curious about CATLab? Check out our blog!

  • The Work of Authentic Inclusion: Reflections from Our Director

    August 11, 2020
    As we reflect on what we’ve learned and accomplished this summer, we asked our director, Zak, to share his thoughts on leading a team through this tumultuous time. In “both technical and thematic challenges,” in both coding and conversations, Zak sees himself as the facilitator rather than the focus, staying out of the spotlight and empowering others to take center stage.
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  • Sharing Inspiration: Meeting UCSB’s IT Interns

    August 5, 2020
    Here at the CATLab, one of our deep-rooted goals is to join and facilitate conversations on the intersection between technological innovation and higher education. Not only can we be inspired by others’ ideas and successes; sometimes we can, in turn, inspire others. Last week, we got to see the direct result of this inspiration as we met the students part of UCSB’s new set of IT internships—a new program modeled after our work at the CATLab.
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  • Moving Forward in the Midst of Uncertainty

    July 29, 2020

    As we near the end of the summer and as schools and cities weigh the pros and cons of reopening in the fall, we’re coming to realize that one of the hardest things about this pandemic is not the travel restrictions or the social distancing but the ongoing uncertainty in which we find ourselves. Even as we cope with unprecedented challenges, we realize that even our best-laid plans might have to change in a moment. So what do you do when you feel like the whole world is unsettled?

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  • How to Get Hired in Tech

    July 23, 2020

    How do you prepare yourself to enter an industry that’s constantly evolving? Although job titles and programming syntax might change, there are still several steps you can take to become a compelling candidate and ace your application when looking for a job in tech.

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  • What to Look For in an Internship

    July 15, 2020

    The benefits of an internship are multifaceted—not just a line on your resume! Among other advantages they provide, internships give you the opportunity to test-drive a career, build a network, and prove your skill to a company. We’ve already shared that 65% employers want students with more than one internship; but how do you tell what makes an internship valuable?

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  • 3 Benefits of Multiple Internships

    July 9, 2020

    It’s common knowledge that internships are an important step on the path of professional development—but did you know that, according to recent studies, 65% of employers expect college grads to have at least two internships? That’s just one reason that our team members are encouraged to find part-time internships in addition to their work at the CATLab. In addition to bolstering your portfolio, pursuing multiple internships can broaden your experience, strengthen your marketability, and deepen your understanding.

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