Make Space to Innovate

We help you create the space to learn from fellow technologists and system thinkers.  Whether you hire a CATLab intern to work through your company's backlog, attend the Impact Conference to connect with industry thought-leaders, or give a Tech Talk to grow your company's influence, the Center for Applied Technology is ready to help you innovate.  How can we work together?

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Mission Statement

We seek to enhance relationships in the Westmont community through the innovative use of technology.



Looking to learn more?


“Going with interns that know the system was actually a more cost-effective route than hiring somebody that didn’t really know a system but had to be there full time. It was an easy pitch from a cost perspective. We needed something, and Westmont came with people that knew the system. All the pieces really worked together.”

—Avery Cloutier, Business System Manager at The Thornhill Companies

“I was pleasantly surprised with Kimberlee’s ability to work on her own. I felt like we were able to get her up to speed on the projects, and she could run with it...To be able to have an intern who can work in a different city and be productive and be a self-motivated worker was really impressive.”

—Andrew Clark, marketing manager at RDN

"CATLab prepares students to the point where “with [their] skill sets right out of college, [they] could come in for an internship for a few months and change how we do business in a very transformative way.” 

—Ian Monsma, program manager at RDN 

"CATLab is a very effective program to help the Westmont students deliver from day 1 when they join tech teams in the industry. I am grateful to partner with CATLab and Zak Landrum."

—Rohit Malik, Software Engineering Manager at AppFolio

Curious about CATLab? Check out our blog!

  • Rethinking Habit: Intentional Practices as Embodied Humans in a Digital World

    June 28, 2019

    It’s 6:30am on a Monday morning and you’re woken up by the sound of your alarm ringing. You’re tired and groggy, but you reach for your phone to turn off its alarm and notice a text from your friend that was sent to you late last night. You respond, then take a trip over to Instagram and like the posts of your friends, check your email, and respond to the messages your coworkers sent over the weekend. You check the time again and you’ve already spent 20 minutes on your phone since you’ve woken up.

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  • Apex: A Crash Course

    June 28, 2019

    Salesforce, like many major platforms with individual purposes, employs a native programming language uniquely tailored it its needs. Apex—Salesforce’s language—is similar to Java, while also possessing a number of custom features specifically for the Salesforce environment.

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  • 8 Tips for Beginning Programmers

    June 18, 2019

    Many of the fundamental concepts of computer science are used regardless of skill level. For beginning programmers especially, however, building a solid foundation on which to grow is highly important. Here are eight tips to help develop as a beginning programmer.

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  • Ohana: The Salesforce Family

    June 14, 2019

    Back in the 90s before Salesforce’s founding, not-yet-CEO Marc Benioff rented a beach house in Hawaii and immersed himself in the culture there. Ever since, the concept of ‘ohana has been integral to life as part of the Salesforce family.

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  • Feature Profile: Reed Sheard

    June 12, 2019

    As higher education undergoes a shift from the traditional to the technological, institutions must adapt as they look forward at emerging technologies. Here at Westmont, the CATLab is an incubator for imaginative, valuable ideas that inspire technological evolution. Yet the CATLab’s formation was only possible due to Westmont CIO Reed Sheard.  

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  • Three Reasons to Take Your Team to Conferences

    June 4, 2019

    A common (if somewhat short sighted) belief in the business world is that sending your team to a conference takes away precious hours from office work, costing the employer time and money. Yet on the contrary to this misconception, everyone benefits from conferences: attendees come home with an expanded business network; renewed energy; and tangible, viable ideas to help innovation flourish in the workplace.

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