Program Review Voskuyl Library

Mission Statement

Voskuyl Library fosters a culture of scholarly, spiritual, and personal growth by providing learning spaces, resources, and services to the Westmont community.

Westmont College Institutional Learning Outcome (ILO) Student Writing Rubric

Graduates of Westmont College will be able to strategically research, wisely evaluate, and ethically integrate sources in various contexts.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

PLO 1- Inquiry and strategic searching

  • Develops manageable research claim or question (scope)
  • Effectively searches scholarly databases, library catalog, Google scholar, journals
  • Recursively and deliberately searches scholarly literature

PLO 2- Wise source evaluation

  • Incorporates appropriate variety of sources
  • Cites authoritative and credible sources
  • Demonstrates attentive reading and discerning use of relevant sources

PLO 3- Ethical source integration

  • Incorporates sources in support of claim or to answer research question
  • Thoughtfully and ethically summarizes, paraphrases, and quotes sources
  • Critically engages with or synthesizes sources

Program Review Resources

Multi-year Assessment Plan (2019)
A multi-year assessment plan shows what program learning outcomes will be assessed in what years.

Annual and Six-Year Reports
2023 2022 2021 2020 2018 (Six-Year) 2017 2016